PROFMAT - Mathematics at National Network Graduate Program is a semi-presential course, with national offer, conducted by a network of Higher Education Institutions, in the context of the Open University of Brazil, and coordinated by the Brazilian Mathematical Society.

The PROFMAT aims to serve mathematics teachers in exercise in primary education, especially in public schools, seeking improvement in their professional education, with emphasis on in-depth mastery of relevant mathematical content for their teaching performance. The Program operates on a large scale, with the objective of having, in the medium term, a substantial impact on the mathematical formation of the teacher throughout the national territory.

PROFMAT's objectives are consistent with SBM's statutory mission to "Encourage Improved Mathematics Teaching at All Levels" and also meets Law No. 13.005, JUNE 25, 2014 (National Education Plan), which places in its Goal 16: to train, at the postgraduate level, 50% (fifty percent) of basic education teachers by the last year of this PNE, and to guarantee all the education professionals basic continuing education in their area, considering the needs, demands and contextualization of education systems.

PROFMAT was recommended by the Technical-Scientific Council of Higher Education – CTC-ES of CAPES, at its meeting, held from October 25 to 29, 2010. The recognition of PROFMAT by the National Education Council (CNE – Portuguese acronym) was conceived through the Ordinance No. 1325, published in the D.O.U. of September 22, 2011, Section 1, Page 634, and Corrected by Ordinance No. 1105, published in the D.O.U. of 9/4/2012, Section 1, Page 97.

 The Program is coordinated by the Management Council and the National Academic Commission, which operate under the aegis of the Board of Directors of the Brazilian Mathematical Society and is executed by the Academic Commissions of the Associated Institutions.